- 2016-10-16
Light weight frames system is one of the most popular and widely propagated through nearly all Modern Construction Projects it can be used as shoring System for slabs, as facade for external plaster ,GRC , Paintings and for Grandstand also.
The system is fully comprehensive and includes safety guard rails when required.
Castor Wheels and outriggers are also available for Mobile tower applications.
Light weight frames system has been specially designed for easy and fast assembly by unskilled operatives with the minimum of supervision.
The basic system utilizes a small number of components that are simply and easily fitted together to give a rigid structure.
2 x 1 m , 1.5 x 1 m , 1 x 1 m , 0.5 x 1 m
6 m
4.5 tons
(+202) 25255814
(+202) 25255824
9 El-Diplomasien St. , Othman Towers, Nile Courniche , Maadi , Cairo , Egypt.
Acrow For Integrated Construction Services (AICS) is a leading Egyptian company in the field of design, renting and erection for Formwork and Scaffolding systems.